The academy is conducting training workshops on science, math and related subjects for high school teachers in rural areas of the state.
- To provide opportunity for teachers in rural areas of Karnataka to update their knowledge in subjects of science, mathematics and related aspects
- To bring awareness about recent trends in science teaching and communication
- To establish networks of resource experts and teachers in select educational institutions
- To formulate a framework for mentoring of teachers in rural areas of the State drawing from expertise from different regions
Resource Experts
- The workshop could be conducted by Schools/Organisations working in the area of Education, with a Nodal Officer designated for the purpose
- Identification of teachers in rural areas involved in teaching science, mathematics and related subjects, one District at a time
- Organisation of two days’ workshop in a Taluka school, with Resource experts, Educationists and accomplished teachers, in Kannada medium, including ICT tools
- 10-15 Resource Experts are identified in the respective fields based on their expertise and out of them 8 Resource Experts will be shortlisted and invited for talks depending on their availability
- Teachers from selected schools in rural areas for a particular District, number not to exceed 50 at a time
- Evaluation of the trainees by the Resource experts (8-10 questions each) at the end of the workshops with a multiple choice quiz for one hour
- As an incentivisation, four toppers are given certificates and cash prizes; First: Rs 3,000/-; Second: Rs 2,000/-; Third: Rs 1,000/- (2)
- A participant has to obtain minimum marks to receive participation certificate, as decided by the Academy
Administrative / Financial
- The budget for two days’ workshop in select Schools/Rotary Clubs or similar facilities in the Talukas is Rs 1.25 lakh, including honorarium for Resource persons, travel costs, stationery, food & refreshments, prizes, audit costs, etc., as per the extant provisions of the Academy
- The Nodal Officer will have the Programme and List of Resource persons approved by the Academy, who will be eligible for an honorarium of Rs 2,000/- per lecture of 90 minutes, with a maximum of two lectures in the programme, and Rs 5,000/- as honorarium for the Nodal Officer
- On completion of the work, duly certified reports including relevant photographs must be submitted within a month, along with audited accounts by registered Chartered Accountants. Wherever applicable, stakeholder feedbacks may be provided
- Programmes could be further enriched with resources from host institutions, with prior approval of the Academy, with due publicity for the programmes
- KSTA would undertake Third Party Evaluation of the programmes, at which time, the host institutions/Nodal Officers would provide necessary information of the programme and impact