Karnataka Science and Technology Academy

Department of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka

From Chairman’s Desk: September 30, 2021

1 min read

Commemorating the 75th Indian Independence Day, the KSTA organized a series of talks by the Lifetime Achievement Awardees of the Academy, eleven in all. Paying rich tributes to the country in the Bharat Swatantra Amruta Mahotsava lectures, the science celebrities presented the S&T developments over the decades as also the path ahead. I would like to place our gratitude on record to the speakers as also appreciation to the participants.

At a time when the schools and colleges are yet to reopen during the Covid-19 pandemic, webinars organized by the Academy on various science subjects, in collaboration with different organisations were received well by a large number of stakeholders. Awards for a number of competitions were announced. The feedback in terms of visits to the Academy’s website and responses to the publications was overwhelming. These were also appreciated by the Hon’ble Minister of Higher Education, Electronics, IT BT and S&T, Livelihoods and Skill Development, Govt. of Karnataka, Dr Ashwath Narayan. C.N., on the twitter.

Both the General Body and the Executive Committee of the KSTA met during the quarter. The guidance and inputs received from the Members are gratefully acknowledged.

– S. Ayyappan

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