KSTA conducting Written Essay competitions for Undergraduate students, Postgraduate students and General Public, both in Kannada and English separately.
Essay topics:
PG Level | UG Level | General Public |
Fuel of the Future: Hydrogen | Global Warming Mitigation: Achievements of India | Citizen Responsibility in Mitigating Global Warming |
Results of Essay Writing Competition 2021-22
Result-uploadSubmit your written essay by January 31, 2022 to our email: essay.ksta@gmail.com
- The main objective of the competition is to promote creativity and leadership skills through essay writing. The competition brings out the ability to think quickly, write persuasively and present well-connected ideas in a cogent manner. A good writing style will be the key differentiating factor in determining the winners
- Essay writing would involve critical thinking and reflective analysis to reach conclusions. Students are challenged with critical thinking, while scrutinizing arguments and taking positions to develop their own point of view more thoroughly
- Essays must be original, not previously published or presented elsewhere and in word format as prescribed by the Academy (refer guidelines), not exceeding 10 pages
- The details of the author may be clearly provided in a separate sheet, along with the essay and no further correspondence will be entertained
- Participants of Karnataka origin, located anywhere in the world
- Undergraduate Students: Enrolled for UG degree programmes and not yet completed; age not more than 22 years
- Postgraduate Students: Enrolled for PG degree programmes and not yet completed; age not more than 24 years
- General Public: Interested in Science, Technology & Innovation, not be more than 50 years of age
Evaluation & Awards
- Essays will be evaluated by a panel of distinguished evaluators, with criteria pertaining to Clarity and content; Originality and relevance; Structure and flow; Presentation and effectiveness in communicating the message
- Results of Awards as indicated in the Table will be announced at the KSTA website, within three months of the last date for receipt of the essays
- KSTA shall have the copyright of the submitted essays and Prize-winning essays will be published in the e-newsletter of KSTA at the discretion of the Editorial Committee
- KSTA reserves the right to accept or reject any essays for the competition and the decision shall be final and binding in this respect
Details of Categories Prize/Award (Separate prizes for Kannada & English)
Category | Prize/Award (in Rs.) |
Undergraduate Students | I – 10,000/- II – 7,500/- III – 5,000/- |
Postgraduate Students | I – 10,000/- II – 7,500/- III – 5,000/- |
General Public | I – 10,000/- II- 7,500/- III – 5,000/- |