Karnataka Science and Technology Academy

Department of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka

PME and Impact Assessment Studies

Over the last 15 years, the Academy has been engaged in science communication and technology dissemination activities, through conferences, training workshops, certificate courses, essay and quiz competitions, publications, etc. for academicians, students and general public. In order to assess the societal impact of these programmes, the Karnataka Science and Technology Academy proposes to undertake an Impact Assessment Study now and after every five years. Further, in the change process, Prioritisation, Monitoring & Evaluation are assuming importance for any organisation, that on institutionalisation, would project the potential benefits for stakeholders and enhance public participation.


  • To assess the impact of KSTA programmes, including output and outcome
  • To identify high impact areas and incorporate new tools  
  • To provide a framework for PME for future programmes
  • To spread PME and IA literacy among interested S&T Institutions


  • Identification of major programmes intended for societal issues and discussions
  • Profiling the stakeholders and participants in the programmes
  • Commissioning a Third Party/Expert evaluation for IA study
  • Establishing a PME framework for the forthcoming activities

Administrative / Financial

  • Announcement inviting Expression of Interest from Experts/Professionals in the area of IA and PME shall be placed on the KSTA website, with a brief application form
  • The Human Resource Committee of the Academy will scrutinise and approve the process, along with the Agency/Expert for undertaking the assessment, with timeframe and finance
  • Provision of required logistics and finance; Documents for evaluation
Design & Maintenance : Dr. Anand R, Senior Scientific Officer, KSTA | Copyright © 2019. Karnataka Science and Technology Academy. All rights reserved.
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